Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Petals around the Rose

A mind boggling (for some) puzzle. It took me 2 days to figure it out - with substantial hints from my wife, who figured it out on her 2nd try.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Quite possibly he hardest puzzle in the galaxy

my brains hurt!

Folding cloth for fun and profit - another piece of evidence in the web is a weird place file...

What kind of dog are you?

Apparently, I'm a collie.... What kind of dog are you? (click on the link to the right)

Monday, March 28, 2005

Homestar Runner - Stinkoman Game

The Brothers Chaps have done it again with their Stinkoman Game. I've already put in about three hours and haven't made it past level one!

If you are not yet familiar with their wildly funny HomeStar Runner site, you'll definitely want to check it out. If you are, the H* wiki can help you get the most of the site - especially the "Easter Eggs" in the Strongbad Emails.

How to Kill a Mockingbird

How to Kill a Mockingbird is a great time-efficient time waster - you won't spend forever trying to defeat that elusive level, but the time saved may be spent rolling on the floor laughing.

The only thing that can make a timeless tale like "To Kill a Mockingbird" better is pirates, flying burning sharks, and Ninjas. Oh yea, burning bears and all the nuclear explosions in the world a nice touch as well.

When you have finished watching this timeless classic, you can try your hand at the author's Virtual Trapped in a Well game. But don't blame me if you spend all morning without getting a single seagull. My top score is 109 hours....